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  1500 Jackson St. NE #443 Minneapolis, MN 55413 | Phone: 612.788.1790 | icebox@bitstream.net  
Howard Christopherson

Icebox Gallery presents:
Peru in Color

Color photographs of people and places in Peru by Minnesota photographer Howard M. Christopherson.

Howard Christopherson documents more than the places where he travels. His images weave a story of a personal encounter with the people, history and living culture, sometimes revealing the unexpected moment.

The images in this exhibit are all in color and were made in 2007 on Christoperson’s third journey through southern Peru. Images were created as he traveled to places like Lima, Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Puno, Islands on Lake Titicaca, Cuzco and Small villages like Urubamba and Ollyantaytambo and the famous Inca site of Machu Picchu.


Howard Christopherson

“I mistakenly thought it was the history, the grand epic, and the story from the past that attracted me to carrying my camera and hunting for images in Peru. The country has true magic today; it permeates through your skin in every intricate detail. The people are beautiful, strong and filled with history and culture.  Peru is more than a special place, it is a soul so naked and raw that it can swallow you, and recreate you, at every turn in the road.” –HC

Christopherson’s first trip to Peru was in 1983. He returned again twice in 2006 and 2007.  Tourism in Peru had increased in the time since his first visit but it still was Peru and filled with wonders and magic. Each day of the trip Howard was with his constant companion; a backpack containing his camera gear. Christopherson brought two cameras with him this time; a medium format film camera for B/W and a digital SLR for his color work. This show features only his color work done as he trekked all over southern Peru.

 “I love to stop the clock with the press of the shutter and later hold and examine the richness of our lives. Photography allows me to feel the pleasure of living in the moment and gives me the luxury to revisit it over and over again.” –HC

In the future Christopherson will exhibit his larger body of work from Peru, his B/W film created images.


Opening on Saturday, February 21st, 2009.
Opening Reception: 8 PM - Midnight
Continues through April 25th, 2009.

  HOURS: Tues. - Fri. - 10 to 6, Saturday - 12 to 5, First Thursdays - until 9pm  
Peru Show Peru Show Peru Show

Peru Show

Peru Show  
Peru Opening   Peru Opening