In the Sand

Self Portrait and Woman with Braided Hair © HMC
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This body of work celebrates the creative moment. All of the images were photographed in the same evening as the sun was setting in the desert of Navaho Lands, Arizona. The long shadows and deep amber light was just right when I came upon a tire track ending in the sand. I felt the urge to draw the image of a woman that I envisioned in the sand and make a photograph. (Woman with Braided Hair) I was excited about the combination of media: The tire track and sage brush were the found objects, I was drawing, I was photographing, and later I was painting! I created several images in the same way as the sunset. Later, I intensified the colors on the light table with inks and a tiny brush. Several of the images were enlarged into 30 x 40 inch Cibachromes. This was a real breakthrough for me, because in all my past exhibits and the video "Night Dance" each had taken years to produce, whereas this exhibit took hours.