I dreamt of a man made out of words. This artwork
consists of layers of scans of my handwriting in my poetry journal overlaying
the portrait image, inspired by a haiku I had written after the dream:
dark ink on clean skin,
calligraphy of the body
blackbirds fluttering
My artistic process involves both "pure"
photography and the digital manipulation of original images. I make no
distinction between film and digital camerawork, as both end up being
worked on in Photoshop. My artwork is archetypal, and has been called
"visionary art." Recent work includes an ongoing series of nudes
in natural settings; a new series of quasi-Cubist layered photomontage
portraits; and a series of landscapes and waterscapes of the North Shore
of Lake Superior that evoke 19th century photographic processes such as
sepiatone and cyanotype.