ICEBOX Gallery


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  "Untitled 3" 2002 selenium toned gelatin silver print
© Julia Zhogina - Canton, Massachusetts

SKIN 2003 part 2 index


I am a Russian born and that is the core of my being. Through photography I exercise all my experience of the Russian culture, which is built on appreciation of classical art. Nude is a favorite subject of classical art of all ages. It is my favorite as well. In classical art the female body is perceived not as an erotic object but as expression of natural beauty. When I was working to compose a photograph of a female nude, there are moments when I see through the camera the relationship of light and dark, a graceful line of a hip, or a bend of knee, that all seem to work together, creating a perfect balance and harmony that make the image work and speak. I strive to show the idea of a moment, a captured movement. In my close-ups I try to catch the lightness of a body fragment, as if it were simply caught by your quick glance and stayed in your memory for a little longer. Some of my close ups bear a removed sense of abstraction, others reveal the relationship between pure line and personality, and the rest imply subtle sensuality. I want my audience to be drawn into my photographs. I truly enjoy taking pictures of men and women who have no experience modeling in studio settings. Their spontaneity and frankness make our collaboration very interesting and productive, and more fun. It also makes me happy when they see themselves from their perception of themselves. Just as I share with them my creative process, I enjoy sharing the final result with varieties of audiences and get feedback. I see it is as double reflection of my inner perception of beauty - through my photographs, and in the mirror of viewer’s eyes.